Feb 22, 2009

Surprise in Birthday!!!

I celebrate my birthday just the ordinary way....

just like what you saw below...
BUT...guess what...
I had a surprise this year...

After the dinner...
this happen...

Me wearing my

My birthday cake....
you guys put the wrong numbers of candle...
i'm NOT 21th!!

Feb 21, 2009

DID you hear??

My favorite song...
If i were a boy

by beyonce and r.kelly

the song that should be heard by all guys and girls..

PLEASE!!!! look at the lyrics...

C@ll Me Teacher Chwa....


I'm now really became teacher chwa...
really can't believe that i be a teacher (for now just a teacher asistance)...
But of course, just for few month...

i'm teaching a small group of 5 years old...
a group of children from different races...
really getting fun playing and teaching them...

At first i can't remember the names of the student....
But...HAHA,i recognize all already...
every morning, i had to play song from the computer for the children...
then, before teaching...there will be a morning song...
BUT,Shi%(i think i can't teach the kid this word)...
i still can't remember all the lyric ...

AT 01.00 P.M. ,
i start to look after the kid (during their nap time)...
and i also doesn't how i manage to put them to nap...
of course...that only happen after 2 days back...
at first...they cried when the wake and saw me...
i'm i that scary???

before tea time...
i look after the E-care student...
some year 1 and some year 5 and 6...

And i'm proud to say...
they all remember i am

here look at where i teaching...

i will tried to take picture for my children...

just wait....haha